Keeping Your White Walls Clean

Keeping Your White Walls Clean

Keeping Your White Walls Clean

Most of the time, clean, white walls make a room appear bigger, brighter, and cleaner. White walls have the drawback of being easily stained by fingerprints from young children or scuffs from moving furniture.

When the walls exhibit every evidence of use and abuse, it is challenging to keep a house appear new. Fortunately, there are numerous techniques to restore the pristine appearance of your walls. Continue reading for a few quick tips that will transform your walls quickly from smeared to stunning.

How Often Should You Clean Your Walls?

How often you should clean your walls depends on a number of factors, including whether or not you have pets, how many people live in your home, and whether or not you smoke cigarettes. If you have pets, you will probably need to clean your walls more often than if you do not have pets. If you have children, you will probably need to clean your walls more often than if you do not have children. If you smoke cigarettes, you will probably need to clean your walls more often than if you do not smoke cigarettes. And so on.

Benefits Of White Walls In Homes

There are many benefits to having white walls in your home. One of the most obvious benefits is that white walls make a room appear larger and more open. This is because white is a reflective color and will bounce light around the room, making it appear brighter and more spacious. White walls are also very versatile and can be used in any style of home, from traditional to contemporary.

Another great benefit of white walls is that they are very easy to maintain. Dust and dirt are less likely to show up on white walls than on other colors, making them ideal for high-traffic areas such as kitchens and bathrooms. White walls are also very easy to paint over if you ever want to change the color scheme of your home.

Finally, white walls can help to create a calming and serene atmosphere in your home. This is because white is often associated with purity and innocence, which can help to create a feeling of peace and relaxation.

What You’ll Need

Cleaning Tools

  • 1 Sponge
  • 1 Microfiber towel or rag
  • 1 roll of Paper towels
  • 1 All-purpose cleaner
  • 1 Mild dish soap
  • 1 Baking soda
  • 1 Magic eraser

Start By Dusting From Ceiling To The Floor.

Grab a step ladder, a moist microfiber cloth, an extra cup of coffee, and get to work if you’re not dealing with a spot and are more interested in a good ole’ dust down. If you work, make careful to inspect your microfiber; as it becomes soiled, rinse it and wring it out. If you’d like, you can add a few sprays of all-purpose cleaner here, but it’s not strictly necessary and is more of a matter of preference.

Method 1: All-Purpose Cleaner for Spots

Depending on your desire, you can combine any all-purpose cleaner with a microfiber cloth, rag, or paper towel. Select an all-purpose cleanser that has a nearly soapy texture. To clean up grease spills in your kitchen, you’ll probably employ the same method.

When food or liquid is spilled on your white wall, these are the best cleaning tools to use. The all-purpose cleaner approach functions best when a stain is discovered right away.

Spot Method 2: A Soft Sponge and Dish Soap

Dish soap makes an excellent cleaner for surfaces all throughout your home, from countertops to carpets. Don’t let the product’s name fool you. Try to choose a gentle dish soap that doesn’t include any harsh chemicals or a lot of heavy fragrances.

Grab a soft sponge, get it wet, add a drop of dish soap, and sud up any stains that aren’t fully fading. Rub the stain gently until suds appear, let them sit for a little while, and then use a wet microfiber towel to wipe it clean. The procedure might need to be done two or three times.

Method 3: Baking Soda Paste for Spots

Have a particularly difficult time moving a stuck spot? For all stains and surfaces, try this natural cure.

Make a paste by mixing three parts of baking soda with one part of water in a basin with some baking soda. You should alter your ratio such that it has a slightly sticky texture.

Use a moist sponge to gently distribute the paste on the wall.

Let it sit for as long as possible.

When the place has been thoroughly saturated, wipe it down with a damp paper towel or microfiber cloth.

Method 4: Magic Eraser for Spots

Still no success? The time has come to pull out the big weapons if everything else fails. Once the stain or scratch is clean, use a moist Magic Eraser to gently wipe the area. Because Magic Erasers are so powerful, little to no effort should be needed.

On gloss and semi-gloss painted walls, exercise caution. If the Magic Eraser is used vigorously while scrubbing, a significant “dull” mark may be left behind.


Remember to use the Magic Eraser on truly white walls, otherwise, this magic little powerhouse will leave a big erased spot on your wall.

If you have any questions on adequately cleaning your oven or other household items, give Kimberly's Kleaning Service a call by dialing 702-263-0468 and speaking to one of our team members. We will happily take care of the dirty work for you.

Need help? Call Kimberly anytime at 702-263-0468