Before Your Cleaner Arrives, Should You Do Any Cleaning?

Before Your Cleaner Arrives, Should You Do Any Cleaning?

Before Your Cleaner Arrives, Should You Do Any Cleaning?

Just consider a professional house cleaner as a cleaner. They typically don’t specialize in organizing (or decluttering), cleaning up dog poop from crime scenes, or being magicians who can completely transform an old house without renovating. What should you do, then, before the cleaners arrive, and what shouldn’t you?

You should arrange your counters.

Each of us has a different cleaning style and cleaning priorities. Most people prefer to arrange their countertops in a specific way. They favor finding items in the same location that they were left in before the cleaning. What if your hair dryer was left by the sink, though? To clean it effectively, it must be moved. The cleaner will take more time trying to figure out where to put the hair dryer afterward because they are unsure of where to put it.

You should clear out your clutter.

Obviously, some items can be picked up during the cleaning process, but some areas will necessitate extensive decluttering and organizational skills. Professional house cleaners rarely have time to declutter, so you will most likely be dissatisfied with the cleaning as well.

You should not: leave out dangerous items.

Numerous items in your home could endanger a cleaner—some biohazard items, as well as any type of weapon that was left unlocked or within reach. If you don’t want your cleaner to find any personal items, make sure they’re hidden as well.

You should do the dishes.

This service is typically not included in the general cleaning provided by professional house cleaners. In general, it’s a good idea to empty the sink before your cleaner arrives and either load the dishwasher or wash the dishes. In that case, everything around you, including the sink, will be thoroughly cleaned.

You should: express your expectations.

When hiring a new cleaner, you must be clear about your expectations. This increases the likelihood of successful cleaning. As previously stated, different people have different cleaning preferences. You have a better chance of being satisfied with the outcome if you discuss your preferences with the cleaner and do a final walk-through.

Time to call Kimberly's Kleaning Service

Need to clean and organize your home but don’t know where to begin? That’s easily fixed; call 702-263-0468 and speak to a team member from Kimberly's Kleaning Service about your cleaning needs. Call today, and let us do the dirty work for you!

Need help? Call Kimberly anytime at 702-263-0468